
Through writings and services offered, McCall Erickson does not provide medical diagnosis or treatment related to health, medical, or psychiatric issues. Any information and ideas shared and discussed on this site and through McCall’s books and songs are not intended to be used as such. McCall Erickson does not make any promises as to specific or guaranteed results.

McCall will not be held accountable for any interpretations made by you or anyone else based on the information that is provided to you. It is your responsibility to evaluate any and all information and opinions given and make your life decisions based on your own intuition, soul guidance, and good sense. Ultimately, your life path, well-being and choices are up to you.

McCall Erickson holds no liability or responsibility for you and your healing process, legally or otherwise.

The use of McCall Erickson’s services and mccallerickson.com are governed by these terms.